
Recognized certifications and standardizations

The main goal of every company should be to protect its information (information security). Selective measures for information security do not have a sustainable and comprehensive effect. However, recognized certifications and standardizations are a great help. The legislature has various recommendations, models and ordinances ready for this. These requirements result in questions of liability for companies and their management.

Depending on the defined scope, a different certification is possible for each company. Not every company needs a comprehensive information security management system (ISMS) ISO 27001 . The VdS guideline 10000 is aimed at SMEs who want to have their IT security certified. We help you to decide on the right certification and together with you we choose a tailor-made solution.

VdS 10000 – IT security for medium-sized companies

Digitization and networking offer a large target area for cyber criminals. With the VdS guideline 10000 a cost-effective entry into IT security is made possible. A VdS-certified cyber security creates trust with customers and suppliers and enables competitive advantages for certified companies. With a VdS 10000 certification, many insurance companies are already offering their customers a much cheaper tariff for their information technology.

This certification is aimed primarily at small and medium-sized companies, organizations and authorities. The effort up to the audit is manageable, inexpensive and quickly processed.

Oliver Falkenthal, a recognized VdS consultant for cyber security, accompanies you in the implementation of the guideline.

IT basic protection according to BSI & ISO 27001

For example, §9 BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act) states: “Public and non-public bodies that collect, process or use personal data themselves or on behalf of them have to take the technical and organizational measures that are necessary to implement the regulations of this Law, in particular the requirements specified in the annex to this law. Measures are only required if their effort is in reasonable proportion to the intended protection purpose. ”

The implementation of IT security is not only based on the company’s own interests in protecting systems and important data, but increasingly also on legal requirements.

ISO 27001 offers a structured approach to protect your confidential data and systems and increase the availability of your IT environment in the company. We are happy to accompany you on the way to ISO 27001. Do not hesitate any longer and protect your company against cyber attacks, data leaks and data loss.

With a TÜV -certified IT security manager, representative and auditor, we ensure that your next audit runs smoothly!

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